During the competition, you can stay at Tankavaara or in the nearby areas and enjoy the local delicacies.
In the vicinity of the competition area, Tankavaara Gold Village offers the campsite with its caravan places. Book your stay as soon as possible by e-mail: info@tankavaara.fi!
Other accommodation possibilities: Vuotson Maja Bed and Breakfast accommodates in the center of Vuotso village, just a 10-minute drive from Tankavaara.
Also check out other accommodation options in Sompio and Sodankylä or find out more about the Inari-Saariselkä area!
Restaurants in the competition area
The competition area has a grill that serves food & drinks during the competition day. In addition, the legendary Restaurant Old Gold Prospector (in Finnish “Wanha Waskoolimies”) serves breakfast, lunch and à la carte dishes.
More dining places can be found in Sodankylä and in Saariselkä-Inari region.